Monday, September 10, 2007

The Bradley Method

Imagine this, if you will: 8 grown men in a dimly lit room massaging the butts of 8 pregnant women. Welcome to the next 10 weeks of my life. That's right. Meredith and I are enrolled in birthing classes. The 10 week program is called The Bradley Method named after the doctor that came up with this natural method of child birth. Now, this is not to be confused with another birthing technique growing in popularity, The Milton-Bradley Method, which has at its core a working knowledge of board games and their therapuetic and pain mitigating functions. The Bradley Method, basically, is a combination of relaxation, strengthening exercises and proper nutrition throughout the pregnancy to ensure the best possible natural birth scenario. Natural as in through the vagina sans pain medication. C-section doesn't count as natural, I guess. Meredith isn't sure if she is okay with doing this thing without pain medication. I'm not sure if I'm okay listening to women tell stories about their vaginas for the next 10 weeks. Either way, we're doing it. I think in next week's class we are going to learn the perineum massage. Google it. I dare you.