Monday, September 10, 2007

The Bradley Method

Imagine this, if you will: 8 grown men in a dimly lit room massaging the butts of 8 pregnant women. Welcome to the next 10 weeks of my life. That's right. Meredith and I are enrolled in birthing classes. The 10 week program is called The Bradley Method named after the doctor that came up with this natural method of child birth. Now, this is not to be confused with another birthing technique growing in popularity, The Milton-Bradley Method, which has at its core a working knowledge of board games and their therapuetic and pain mitigating functions. The Bradley Method, basically, is a combination of relaxation, strengthening exercises and proper nutrition throughout the pregnancy to ensure the best possible natural birth scenario. Natural as in through the vagina sans pain medication. C-section doesn't count as natural, I guess. Meredith isn't sure if she is okay with doing this thing without pain medication. I'm not sure if I'm okay listening to women tell stories about their vaginas for the next 10 weeks. Either way, we're doing it. I think in next week's class we are going to learn the perineum massage. Google it. I dare you.


Sandy said...

If there's no pain medication, can you at least bring a six pack??? Your blog is a riot and, contrary to popular male belief, women DO NOT like to talk about their vaginas. Good luck!

Erik said...


If your comment about the six pack is uninformed than you have no idea how clairvoyant you are. In last night's class the teacher went around the room and asked the husbands how our wives deal with pain. Most said rest or medication or complain. I used a combination of these followed up by "If none of this works, she throws back 5 or 6 beers." Let the games begin.

Deidra said...

Oh Erik you are crazy. I bet you went home last night and down your own tweleve pack after that experience. I think next week you should take all the dads a round you know they all feel the same way.

I am thinking it is going to hurt like hell no matter the method. Good luck in the next 10 weeks

Sandy said...

I told you that we're more alike than you'd like to think!! Definitely on the same page...

Jim said...

You are a sick puppy! Yes you did push the proverbial envelope and yes I must now remove you from my list of links off my blog page. And if you think the Birthing classes are bad I must share my experience sometime about the natural birth control class we attended, and no it didn't work.
ps- sarah is in NYC not the DR

Matt Carson said...

well jim, looks like you have your next blogging idea. can't wait to read it.

The Arnold Family said...

I hope you've been practicing your daily booty massage. Maybe this week will be the "Lets get into pushing position" week. I can't wait. It's fun being the outcasts with you guys.

Unknown said...

So how'd it go?

No really, I want to know.


Sorry, just have to compose myself.

But seriously, how did it go?

See ya tomorrow. I expect flash cards. I'm a visual learner.


Unknown said...

Joking!! I'm just joking!! You guys are sick!
