Thursday, January 18, 2007

I can't believe I'm doing this.

(Taking a deep breath)......

So.....I have pretty much always made fun of the whole online "lifestyle". You know, chat rooms, blogging, myspace, meeting people online, etc. I guess it stems from my belief that there is so much "reality" to deal with that who could possibly have time for the "virtual"? That was until about one week ago. That's when I was introduced to the world of blogging by my good friend Jim. Through reading his blogs I realized that there actually were some applications for this medium that were very much founded in reality other than data mining, entertainment, and advertising. So, should anyone care to find out what I think about various esoteric topics or witness the mental bumper cars that is my thought life I invite you to stop back sometime. As far as my nay-saying and poo-pooing of this sort of thing; I was wrong.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Dude, about time you entered the world that is not reality but just an electronic version of it. enjoy the rantings and ravings that come via the internet. peace. jim